I have been away awhile.
I needed to decide where I was going, and what was going to be my purpose, here.
Since I've been gone, the lovely Nathanael Rhody has been with us for two weeks, I have signed up for call centre work from home, I have restarted at the fabulous Country Markets (Pewsey, in case you're in the area!), I have started the relaunch of the box scheme.
My fabulous older daughter has completed the Baden Powell Award (the highest award for a Guide) and chosen her GCSEs (9, with a focus on going to Agricultural College, altough if she can set up her own yard without Uni, that is her first preference) and my fabulous younger daughter is practising for her Grade 2 piano and riding that little oik of a pony of hers.
Our lovely church has continued to nurture and support, and we have tried to find the time to be a bit more involved.
We have had no rain. That is something of a problem.
I am going to be concentrating on the farm website for a bit, but I want to keep hedgerows as my whimsical, friendly, livey dreamy place, and I will do some stuff just for this place.
How are you? Love to hear from you.