
Living in a rented dairyman's house, on the edge of the Wiltshire Downs, I started this blog in exile from Christian Homestead Bloggers fifteen years ago. We also rent ten acres of land in a nearby village, which for some years, we called Chestnuts Farm. It had its own blog, so it doesn't crop up that much here.

These pages have seen me through some significant changes; from homeschooling, through Christian schooling, to State School for both our daughters, to H, our older daughter going to university last year, and in September of this year, (2017) the younger one, known throughout as Boo, will be off as well, and life will change a lot.

For me, from mother and teacher, as well as grower and home keeper, to a spell spent working at home on the phone, and then onto employment in a Christian Care Home for the Elderly where I do admin, quickly progressing to Management and working full time - while trying to find a direction for the land and our call to farm or homestead, at the same time.

Recently,  (2022) I've reappeared in yet another phase of life, now living in our own tiny terrace, but still only a couple of miles from the field we've rented all this time, and making new changes to our lives as our nest becomes an empty one, and I step away from self employment as the cost of living crisis bites, and take on a new job at home. 

We are of necessity frugal, and due to a series of hard knocks, we are still paying off debt from years ago. We have a desire to live simply, to enjoy the important things, to love and serve the Lord.

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
                                               (Micah 6:8)


Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Just popped over to your blog. I like your other warfront blog too. Just up my street! I can't see how to follow you am I missing something?

Jackie said...

I think I've added all possible widgets to allow folk to follow? Is it still proving a problem?

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