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or at least something a little like it has finally come to Wiltshire.
We are expecting the shearer this week, and the sheep I am sure would say, not before time.
Our two youngest goats kidded this year and have had between them two boys and one girl - our usual theme for names is fabrics, but these are crossbreds to a Saanen, so we decided they needed different names, and after animated discussion settled for Larkrise to Candleford as a theme, so they are Minnie, Alfie and Timmins.
The elders are in full bloom, and I have made vast quantities of elderflower cordial - I hope to make yet more. I am wondering about water bathing it to keep it for longer - anyone done that?

Things have changed quite a bit around here. I now work from home on the telephone for an insurance claims company for around 20 hours a week. Neil has a job in a factory in town, but at the moment, that's only on a rolling contract. Boo is in state school, coming up to GCSEs. H has finished school, but will go into the same state school in September to do A Levels.

It's a battle, but we are thankful to be keeping our heads above water, and still living in a beautiful place, with access to land, and opportunities to do useful work.

Although in my heart I believe I should be home working only as wife, mother and farmer - I look to that day when I hopefully will be able to do this once again, and in the meanwhile, we just have to bloom where we're planted.

I don't get a lot of time to blog, I ought to keep the farm page up together more than I do, to be honest - but it is good to catch up here every now and again.

Post an update in comments if we haven't chatted for a while :)

My duck, Kirstie, is sitting again - she's no kind of mother and usually abandons the eggs mid-sit, but we live in hope.
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