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So as we seem to have gone nearly a month without an update ...

My new job is going well, though it is time consuming and I'm having a bit of a panic about the garden. Neil is making ends meet with various income streams, and seems to be pretty busy back in his old family niche of painting and decorating.

We have been doing really well on the budget - but a bit of a curved ball came our way this week when a good, long run of p and d work was offered, which simply doesn't fit in with school runs. We needed another car.

Prayers were answered and I found an advert for a suitable little run around, at a bargain price - and because we had been hoarding every penny towards our emergency fund, it is not the end of the world. It is the end of the emergency fund, but we can start again, we don't need to borrow more money. I'm so happy about that bit!

The veg garden is not going as well as it should, and I have to remind myself that this is commitment number two, and also keep one eye open on any chances to kickstart the herb and flower side of things.

When it's dark, I'm working on another project which I hope will bring in some much needed funds - I need to get a bit more done on that one before I announce it.

As it's the first day of spring,  I suppose I ought to be spring cleaning as well. Rejoining FlyLady is on my list. It just hasn't hit the top yet!

How is spring going for you?
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