Out of Doors

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Plans were afoot to do work in the garden, the house, and all sorts. However, the weather forecast being what it was, in classic Bank Holiday style - that is to say that it will rain torrentially all day Sunday and Monday - we decided to focus on the veg garden while we could, and possibly pulled a muscle or two in the doing.
In the top half of the picture you can see a no dig bed under construction. We bought two 'tonne sacks' of compost from the recycling folks, and hoped it would do two good beds, but it's gone nowhere near. I've just prepared a seed bed at the near end of the next bed, and we should be able to put a 2" layer on the rest of it, and it did have some on it last year.
Every year I say I'll give up on no dig because the couch grass is such a problem. Every year I give it another go.
However, you can't be permanent no dig on our plot - it's silty, sandy soil and it caps. So within some kind of rotation, you do have to dig or at least turn over the soil now and again. At the bottom half of the picture you can see my potato bed - that's getting dug and planted at the same time.

Meanwhile Neil cleared massive amounts of blackthorn from the boundary hedge, freeing up the fruit bushes, and managed to burn quite a bit of it in my aged incinerator.  The fruit bushes have been neglected and needed a real clear out.

Newest babies are doing fine.

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