What a glorious day!
We started off by hacking out for an hour, in glorious sunshine, yet unbelievably with the snow still on the hills! The photo was taken on my phone, so not the best, but you can see my beloved Downs in the distance, and do you see the white house at the foot of them? That belongs to a friend of ours, and is actually on the canal. It is absolute bliss, like The Railway Children but with a canal instead!
Then my darling husband (despite its being his birthday!) tilled my veg plot for me, and it's wonderful to see it looking like a working space again

and I got seeds planted in trays in the polytunnel, and the onions and garlic which have overwintered, hoed.
Oh, and I need to introduce you to a new team member. It's kind of tricky, as he won't keep still but .... this ....

...is Cobbett. After William.

he's been hired in for our rodent control department. But he's in training right now.
Oh and the shadows are ... just thoughts, plans... possible callings ... work I may have to do, for our plan, our aim, our vision ... which maybe I don't want to do, but God wants me to do.
And the bigger shadow ...