
I went out to the new job today, to get the hang of it - it's ok. It's a nice quiet little yard, straightforward work, nice horses.
I am really, truly fortunate. I'm not going to earn as much money ... but we're back to home made sourdough bread, with thick slices of home made garlic and herb raw goats cheese. And I got some knitting done!
And I'm looking forward to Christmas again.


Rachel L said...

I'm so happy for you that you've found this new job - really good news!

Catherine said...

Good news about your job! I hope it goes well and you really enjoy it! Cx

Ellen said...

Blessings on you and yours, Jackie. Next time you have some of that bread and cheese, devour a slice for me, okay? :-)

Shirley Ann said...

Hi Jackie, I have just found your blog and have spent some time reading through your posts from the latter part of this year. I felt a deep kinship with you as you bared your feelings and frustrations.

We also live in England - moving to Lancashire next week- and our deepest desires are to live a simple self-sufficient life. Well, you would think that you are asking to be queen for the day! You wouldn't think that you would need so much money to live a plain simple life - growing your own food and being industries to provide a small income for those necessities! I really feel your frustrations!

I'm not sure how we will reach our own self-sufficient dreams, but I know that God knows the desires of our hearts and that He loves us. We are trusting that when the time is right He will provide a way.

I am so glad that you found a new job. I would also absolutely HATE to be stuck in an office!

May you experience God's abundant blessings,peace and guidance and I pray that He will open doors for you.

Blessings in Christ
Shirley Ann

Jackie said...

ha! well it was good for a week - and now I am crippled with a bad back! Five horses on a tight, tight deadline? So I'm kind of back where I started!

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