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Saying goodnight to the two Rhodies in the veg garden tonight, it struck me that the air was soft, dusk was falling, but it was still light enough to work. It was 8.45pm
I've forgotten to move forward.
The weather has been so awful throughout April, that coming in and calling it a day when the girls got home from school was reasonable, but now, that would appear to be wasting nearly 5 hours of working time!
When we first got a TV, it was around midsummer. I remember there was a new series of River Cottage on, while it was still good. We gave in andbought a TV because we feared we would work ourselves to death. We didn't stop til it got dark.
And I wonder why I don't sleep as well or as early as I did!
Now I'm not suggesting I toil til ten every day. There is a balance to be had! But that's half a day gone missing, and I'm wondering why I'm not being as productive as I once was.

Changing seasons is always tricky. What time do you have supper, and is that the end of your day, or simply a break? As the years pass and children's needs and schedules change, it's difficult to see how you can still make the best of the time - but somehow I must.

so we're thinking about it.


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