I've forgotten to move forward.
The weather has been so awful throughout April, that coming in and calling it a day when the girls got home from school was reasonable, but now, that would appear to be wasting nearly 5 hours of working time!
When we first got a TV, it was around midsummer. I remember there was a new series of River Cottage on, while it was still good. We gave in andbought a TV because we feared we would work ourselves to death. We didn't stop til it got dark.
And I wonder why I don't sleep as well or as early as I did!
Now I'm not suggesting I toil til ten every day. There is a balance to be had! But that's half a day gone missing, and I'm wondering why I'm not being as productive as I once was.
Changing seasons is always tricky. What time do you have supper, and is that the end of your day, or simply a break? As the years pass and children's needs and schedules change, it's difficult to see how you can still make the best of the time - but somehow I must.

so we're thinking about it.
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