Is it a bird? Is it a cloud?

No, it's a soft, clean, hand fluffed pile of lovely luscious Jacobs wool, ready to make a cushion for an order. (I'm getting there, Katie!)

I am so excited to be making these cushions. I love our sheep so much, any and everything that helps to make them sustainable and viable is good by me.

They don't all have names - they are a proper flock! - but some of them do.

Bertha and Brenda, the old milk sheep crosses we got when we first bought the flock, must be 10 if they are a day.

Charlotte, who was an orphan, and who was born the day Charlotte du Jardin won Olympic Gold in London - and spent the afternoon on my lap watching the dressage!

But all of them are dear, and belong so on our little plot of land. It's my heart's desire to improve that flock, to move towards them being registered, and recognised.

Mel at Wuthering Heights Farm suggests cat toys. They could very well be next. How do you feel about a spicily scented Christmas decoration, filled with real Jacob wool? (There were sheep at the nativity, after all, and Jacobs sheep get their name from the Old Testament.)

Suddenly, I have a million ideas.


mel said...

ooooooh!!! Christmas decorations!! perfect!!!! in all ways!!!

we just heard today that when our over-the-road neighbour moves....up the road...the farmer who bought his farm [and only wants it for the crop land] would probably-maybe-likely be willing to rent out the barn and some pasture....

dare i even dream it?

your sheep [and you, of course] are my inspiration. because i love this life just that much.


Jackie said...

oh ... how wonderful. Especially the barn. Anything with a roof. Take it ! x

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