Well, it's been real.
A week with two car break downs, has taught us to be humble. Not one but two church friends lent us a car. Kudos to Ben and Phil. Also Margaret gave us lifts. And that's great because Margaret is also known as Mrs Lodge and for the first time in ever Boo was ready for school on time cos you don't mess with Mrs Lodge.
But God is good and a very cheap tide over car has come up, which will be a brilliant first car for H once she gets through some lessons (almost two years late, but you can't rush people)
Meanwhile, H could no longer tolerate the bullying unprofessionalism of the yard where she was keeping the ponies, so she has followed her heart and bitten the bullet and put Mr C on the smartest yard - it's a lovely place, full of lovely people, but boy is she going to have to work to keep him there.
This means that I have his 'companion' - AKA my draft pony - back and she's on her own.
That's not ideal, but she does have a lot of sheep to keep her company and I am longing to get her into harness properly.
Online friends have been featured in Ben Fogle's New Lives in the Wild Uk - I have mixed views. It does all seem to hinge on inheriting a little heap of cash, or down shifting from a very well paid job. Not to say I don't think they've all done a great job.
I would like it to be more possible for more people. I would like that people like us who rent our home, and rent our land, and live in a whirlwind of bill paying to have other ways.
But for now, this is a good series.
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We just moved our horse to the place where i work -- which is to say, a Way Fancier place than we could EVER afford if we had to pay the full price. Which is to say, I'm now shackled to the place for eternity. Not that it's a bad thing at all - also lovely and also full of lovely people, but....well, you know. And it was the best thing for Buzz - who deserves only the finest.
Pooh to car breakdowns but Yay to Good People. i find there are a goodly amount of those in the world, despite evidence to the contrary.
On the whole Back-to-the-Land-with-a-Pocketful-of-Cash idea -- this is a contentious thing for me -- while i applaud the action itself, it makes me grate my teeth that it's most often done in those moneyed scenarios. I'd be more inspired by Regular Folk who manage to do the same -- those folk would have something real to share.
love to you!! xoxoxoxo
love the ben fogle series but agree with you they all seem to have a stash to start with1 when we down shift we wont be able to afford anything decent so are looking at the rental market, but who knows, I may get a windfall in between!
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