I just made bagels!

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Seriously! It was easy!
Neil had requested poached eggs and purple sprouting for supper, and I was wondering what carb to put with that, having run out of potatoes, and I thought bagels would be good, since I had just received my lovely Shipton Mill flour! So I looked up a couple of recipes, mangled them together - and there are now 12 spelt bagels cooking!
I'll let you know how they they turn out and if I'm quick enough, maybe even take a photo.
So impressed with home made bagels !!!!!!!!!


Romany said...


When we first came back from Canada, we were addicted to Bagels with Cream Cheese and Grape Jelly. But no bagels or grape jelly to be found in England at the time. I did learn to make the bagels but found it so time-consuming that I was happy to leave it to others when they finally became commonplace here.{g}

Tried the grape jelly but my jam making is not to good. I need a proper tutorial, I think!

It is a great sense of satisfaction to realise that something which looks specialised is doable at home.

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