I was about to light the fire this morning, when my eye fell upon the Court Circular and Announcements in the Telegraph.
The passing of one worthy was marked by a very well attended service at St Mary's, Cadogan St, SW3.
Shocked as I already was to find a Jason in the Forthcoming Marriages, not to mention baffled by the waiving of the £10 visitor's fee, at the Young Chelsea Bridge Club to Bill Gates, I was further amazed to discover that the aforementioned service was attended, among the many, many other representatives of the relevant orders of knighthood, and so on, by a representative of The Sublime Society of Beef Steaks.
Only in England.
Mind you, there was another memorial service for a military man, the attendance of which presumably left the country at risk of invasion, and I was rather sad to note that those passing exceeded those arriving by a good four columns. Come along, chaps. This is just not good enough.
Oh, and in the Personal Column, Psalm 2, verses 7 and 8. Excellent.
I must now go and light the fire, but really, I should read the paper more often. As it is, I usually take it from my husband, and detach the crossword before using the rest of it for much more prosaic tasks.
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LOL, you are hysterical!
Hey, I think I saw some of it's members wandering through our property last week.
I just love the Telegraph and/or Times - so British !!! A xxx
Isn't it enormously interesting to find out how other people spend their time? Obviously, the Sublime Society takes itself very seriously, judging from their website. And they should: "It is easy to confuse the various societies of beef eating tradition." What a tantalizing tidbit. Who knew??
and indeed, Ellen, who needed to?
What you've got to realise however, is that the Sublime Society is potentially older than the USA itself! :-P
So no wonder they take themselves seriously!
I guess, possibly, if there had been less of them sat around in London eating 'Beefe Stake' we may not have been trounced .....
... I always suspect these clubs of being a cover though, goodness alone knows what they are actually up to.
If I now disappear without trace, you will know why. :-D
I googled the Sublime Society and didn't realize just how big of a deal it was - who would have guessed. Let's see now, who can I impress with my new awareness of the Sublime? (oh, that's right, nobody). lol
Mince & Tatties sounds much nicer, but no, I don't have any Scottish blood (just German & a little mutt).
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