Dorothy has been talking here about the use and abuse of advent. I'm seriously thinking of joining her next year in her 'keep Christmas at Christmas' approach!
Trouble is, we have rellies coming today who expect all the trimmings, a bag full of gifts to take away, and so on and so forth.
I'm very much reminded of the beginning of my very favourite book, The Christmas Mouse (which must reread again, for the umpteenth time) - when on Christmas Eve the two little girls are buttoned up in their mackintoshes and taken into town on the bus, to go Christmas shopping. This brings back a lot of memories - we used to do all our shopping in the last few days before Christmas - maybe a special present, hand made or carefully squirreled away - took forethought, but by and large, it was very last minute, and well before dot com had any meaning !
Far too late to worry about it this year, but giving it some serious thought for next!
The weather is dire, freezing rain on freezing roads, so though nana and grandad are here with the hope of watching H competing tomorrow, I can see us abandoning the journey. You'd think, having lived here all my life, I'd stop being surprised by our weather. You'd be wrong!
Are we there yet?
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Yeah, I can't ever understand our weather either. It has been yucky last few days, hasn't it? The nastiness of winter without the glories of snow!
We have a bunch of friends coming for a Christmas meal etc next Saturday, so at some point next week which is horribly busy, I'll have to buy a tree and set it up, which always involves major furniture moving.
We put up our tree December 2nd since DH's birthday is the 1st and we don't want to crowd that out. But gifts weren't put under the tree until yesterday. I feel really rebellious towards all the merchants clamoring for our money with no regard for the meaning of why we even have a holiday. And the girls are receiving less gifts this year too. Perhaps I should just unplug the tv and not go to any stores this time of year, else I'm afraid they get the impression that EVERYBODY is just getting EVERYTHING they want.
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