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It's finally quiet. Been some day.

My puppy (no actually, he's a big boy dog!) went to the vets to be castrated. That was something of a drama. The vets have got a bee in their bonnet about him, I think because they mistakenly had him sussed as a Lab x Staffie (he's not he's a Beagador, labxbeagle) so they were not prepared to sedate him themselves, and wouldn't remove him from his cage themselves when he came round. It's been a bit traumatic, and he's a lot upset. Finally he's sleeping peacefully in the kitchen, by the fire, whimpering sadly in his sleep now and again.

Car broke, children had dental appointments, we had to fetch a ram ... in the truck, with the children, on the way to the dentist, because petrol is such a price, and he was in the same direction as the school ...you know, run of the mill country day.

Now the children are in bed, Neil is out driving a taxi, I am curled up on my new (to me - from Freecycle) enormous sofa, in a nest of afghans, books, laptop, notepads and dreams. The bread which I set to rise and then forgot to bake has duly been baked, while I had a bath, so the house smells of hot crusty bread, and is quiet.

It is still only January, but as we hope to really get the farm moving this year - after a long and kind of cloudy departure from our true course - we need to be working flat out. Especially as I am away soon to do my Permaculture Design Course.

For years we have wanted to do the Sustainable Land Use Course with Patrick - I wouldn't want to do a PDC with anyone else, he's my total Permaculture Hero! - and this year by hook crook and hard work, we've made it possible, I can hardly believe it. We took our caravan up to Ragmans at the weekend, as it's being used as extra accommodation during the first three weeks of the course, before I grab it for myself for the last two weeks. It was so great to look around the place, the bunkhouse and communal eating area only nudge my community minded little soul a little further toward the truth.

If I could live in a chapter of the Bible it would be Acts 2.

43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

I'm excited about this year, it's going to be amazing. I want to know so much - I am knee deep in books, the current one being 'The Untold Story of Milk' - and plans. Plans to go to market, plans to be out in the community, to stop hiding behind the internet, and get out there.

I want to get a spinning wheel, and spin some of that glorious Jacob wool for myself, I want to make more yoghurt and kefir, and cheese from our lovely goatsmilk, I want to eat more vegetables and less meat - we are now committed to not eat meat we have not met - and to live at peace.

Quiet. Good productive time. Puppy has stopped whimpering in his sleep. The rain is tapping on the window. Time for bed.


Old Paths Cottage said...

Super post - you should write a book :-) Ali

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