First we went off to Countrywide for me to pick out a coat, which was what I wanted for my birthday. I chose a long waterproof, riding mac type affair kind of like this

only less purple, and I am now hoping it is rideable in, because it looked it.
Then we went for a walk in Savernake Forest, which was wet and windy but fun, and then into Marlborough for tea at the famous Polly Tearooms. before coming home for poor old mother to doze in front of the fire for an hour, while everone elsed did chores.
We then went out to a local pub for supper - a very down to earth affair of sausage and mash and liver and bacon and mash, which we shared so that everyone had some of everything. A real old country pub, full of families and characters, where we knew our younger sheepdog, Fly, would be welcome to hide under the table (fireworks everywhere, and her terrified!)
Still not feeling great this morning, but out we went to the village church with Guides and Brownies to carry flags for the Remembrance Service. As usual, fantastically proud of the girls, there are always one or two who look down their noses at the youngsters doing their best to preserve this proud tradition - but as usual no one any older or wiser who actually wished to DO it. Well done girls, you can be proud of yourselves!
Home for another wilt on the couch (how very Jane Austen) while the crew created lunch - three courses at that! - and an afternoon by the fire, watching 'The Waltons' on dvd and looking at lovely birthday books - The Cutting Garden, from Neil, which he knew I wanted, and from my best buddy, Ali, 'Nella Last's War' of which more, I suspect very, very much more! later.
So now it's nearly dark, blowing a gale, and lashing with rain, and we might yet make it out to the evening service at chapel. I still have a headache, stiff neck, dopey sort of feverishness and a vague sense of unreality. Maybe it's just old age?
Oh poor you feeling so poorly! Glad you enjoyed your birthday!!
Love, Ali xxx
Hi Jackie,
Happy Birthday! You're 9 days after me. I just got back from my brother's wedding so I'm catching up on all my favourite blogs.
Hope you're feeling better.
Rachel L
A belated Happy Birthday! Apart from feeling unwell I'm glad you had a nice day. It's nice to be waited on occasionally!
Catherine x
Sorry you are not so well. I was like that for a week ebfore coming down with a full blown cold/flu thing and am still coughing weeks later. I pray you ahve something very short.
I saw the Nella Last thing on tv. It was absorbing.
Oh Dear, I Missed it! Oh, I am terribly sorry Jackie that I missed your birthday. Happy belated Birthday! I'm glad you had a lovely weekend dispite feeling poorly. A cozy fire and family does sound heavenly. The cutting garden book does sound like "you". And the riding raincoat is what I want too. I covet them every spring when I see so many of them wearing them at the MN Horse Expo (it's always raining during that event). I want to look like a "real" cowgirl in one someday. lol (But they are really expensive too).
Have a Blessed Day!
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